Covenant University Medical Centre
The Centre opened her doors to receive patient after the commissioning by the Chancellor of Covenant University Dr David O Oyedepo on the 22nd day of November 2014. The program was attended by stake holders in the Communities around. Some of who were Obas, chiefs and several specialists billed to begin work at the Medical Centre. The Centre is equipped with state of the heart equipment worthy of world class University. The Centre is a 70 bedded hospital with about 10 specialist areas.





About Us
To be a leading world class University Medical Centre that would provide best health care services to staff, students and members of University community and beyond at the best rates and in world class fashion, thereby acting as a one stop shop for all health needs.
Provide diagnostic, curative devices to aid in the timely diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases.
Promote the health of our client through detailed health education towards engendering health seeking habits by constant and timely health promotion endeavours.
Core Value
Our internal core value is DAZE ‘Meaning we are dutiful, accommodating, zappy and empathic, we daze all with love.
Expect us to DAZE you with LOVE
At Covenant University Medical Centre, we basically create an environment that is stimulating for health care and living.
Equipment in Covenant University Medical Centre
The medical Centre has in it world class equipment in different facets, these equipment are used in diagnosis and treatment of wide ranges of ailment known to man. All sub-specialties within the Centre are equipped to suit the purpose. At Covenant University, we pride ourselves with standard brought about by commitment and dedication of staff, outstanding equipment and the help of God. All these have made the Centre a safe haven. A one stop Centre for all medical needs.
As touching the equipment base of the medical Centre, the front desk area houses the Health and information management unit where clients’ information is kept by direct filling or electronically. This unit is manned by seasoned health information management officers and patient details are kept with the highest sense of confidentiality. At the HIM unit, retrieval of client’s record for any purpose is done in minutes making speed the watch word in the units. Patients are greeted warmly and are treated like royalty. The Reception also represents the first stop for patient. It has Airport chairs available for client’s use.
Pharmacy Department
The pharmacy department is manned by seasoned pharmacist with a lot of experience in industrial and community pharmacy practices to give the best to our clients. The pharmacy is just adjacent to the reception area for ease of accessibility by clients and their relations. The pharmacy has a main dispensary, two store and an admin office to make. The pharmacy is stocked with drugs from only multinational pharmaceutical companies, thorough a tight process that entrenches LEAN principles. This is done to give opportunity to clients to receive best medications at affordable rates. The pharmacy has provision for safety of prescription only sedatives and tranquilizers kept in Poison cupboard which alarms at every un-authorized attempt to gain entry into it. The compounding room is used basically to formulate and dispense special locally compounded syrups, suspensions infusion fluids. The pharmacy stocks all forms of ethical drugs from to Anti-Cancer medications. Some of the feats of this unit is the local production of 3% saline along with the laboratory in an emergency situation. When quality assurance work was done on the sample collected showed good quality product.
Dental Unit
The dental unit of the Centre is manned by A Maxillofacial surgeon, Dental officer, dental nurses and a dental technologist in the dental Laboratory. The dental unit is well equipped with dental chairs, Dental X-ray facility and other dental equipment for patient care, the unit handles cases such as Jaw open reduction and internal fixations, dental extractions, root canal therapies, scaling and polishing, dental filling, fixing of braces when requested replacement of dentures which is fabricated by the dental laboratory after an extraction. The Dental unit is a one stop shop for all dental needs. The dental unit also embarks on dental outreaches to promote dental health, while they also carry out research from time to time on dental issues. The latest research focused on dental carries. The dental unit is one of the unit with accreditation to handle secondary and primary den5tal care by NHIS.
Radiology Unit
The unit is the Multimillion Naira Radiology unit with equipment roll call which can only be imagined. The unit is manned by two Radiologists, a radiographer and two radiograph technicians. The unit boasts of a 16 slides Computer Tomography scanner machine, a 680 MA x-ray unit, two high value mobile units capable of work all around the hospital. The unit also has a mammography machine for screening breast cancer. Furthermore, the Unit has a digitizer with PAC system to send radiograph imaging all around the hospital, country and world with a click of the mouse. X-ray films are processed in minutes with the use of the automatic processor. The speed of the delivery of results and quality of the production is particularly two of the reasons why referrals for our radiological examination are on the high from neighboring hospitals. The unit also has facilities for obtaining color Doppler ultrasound scanning. The Ultrasound scan is a 4D enabled, 3D mobile color Doppler Ultrasound machine capable of General, Urological, Cardiac, Gynecological scanning. The unit also has Electro-Cardiograph machines, for both exercise and non-exercise varieties.
Vision Clinic
The vision clinic of Covenant University Medical Center is adjudged the best around the Ado Odo,Ota Local Government area of Ogun state owing to the facilities, ophthalmological capabilities, and staffing. The unit is staffed with Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Ophthalmic Nurses and Ophthalmic technician. The unit houses several vision improving processes and equipment. Resident there are, Auto-refractometer for detection of refractory errors in the eyes objectively, visual field analyzer which enjoys patronage from far and near, facilities for measuring ocular pressure using Shiontz and Applanation Tomometer mounted on a world class slit lamp. The unit is also capable of checking of the eyes in young children with indirect laryngoscopy. It should be noted that prescription of glasses by the unit is handled on the spot by the ophthalmic laboratory where glasses are delivered in just 30 minutes. Several surgeries have been performed by this unit, ranging from extraction of Pterygium to Cataract extractions with attendant successes. Surgeries in the unit are performed in the Central operating theatre with the aid of operating microscope.
Medical Laboratory
The Covenant University Medical laboratory is research an accredited laboratory by the Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria. The laboratory is highly equipped for that purpose, has experienced personnel and is arguably the best around the Local Government. It is a referral Centre for various investigations from hospitals and clinics ibn and outside the state. The Laboratory is capable of handling more than 200 different investigations in hematology, Chemical Pathology, Medical Microbiology and blood banking. The staffing is in all fields represented ie , hematology, microbiology and chemical pathology. The unit also handles so many research works for staff, students and NGOS. Covenant University Medical Centre laboratory has several equipment amongst which are: Full Automatic hematology analyzer which gives 23 hematological results and parameters with one suck of blood. The unit also has Hormonal assay machine to handles most hormonal investigations, such as thyroid function test, It also has flame and Spectro-phometer to handle Liver function test, kidney function test, cardiac function test etc. The spectrum of investigation is indeed wide cutting across all area of medical laboratory interest. It should be noted that the laboratory produces all the methylated spirit being used in the hospital for several years. They were also instrumental to production of 3% saline in conjunction with the pharmacy department as previously mentioned.
Physiotherapy and Medical fitness unit
This important unit of the Medical Centre is one that services all the other units of the hospital in terms of physical therapy needs. The unit is also the only one in the locality. Present in the unit are several equipment divided into those for core physiotherapy care and fitness/ gym services. The unit is roundly manned by experienced hands. Some of the equipment on the physiotherapy end are Short wave diathermy machine for Arthritis, Ultrasound machines for reduction of inflammations, TENS machine for nerve stimulations, and many more. The gym also boasts of several health and fitness enhancing equipment such as thread mill, stepping machines, weight, strength and endurance machines and many more. The unit amongst others successfully rehabilitated a man who for 4 years was bed reading, not able to move but now is able to work without support. The fitness Centre on popular demand is expanding to include several other health and fitness machineries.
Operating Theatre
Covenant University Medical Centre has three theatre suites, two major suites and one minor suite. The major suites handle several surgical subspecialties operations. The operation room is in a quiet part of the hospital with high level hygiene and infection control. Some of the Subspecialties of surgeries which cases have been handled are; Urology; Prostatectomy, Nephrectomy, Buginage, Urethroplasty, orchiectomy, General surgery; Herniorraphy, Appendectomy, Radical and simple mastectomy, Hydrocelectomy, exploratory laparotomy, Vascular surgery; restoration of transected limbs, Plastic and reconstruction surgery; Skin grafting, Orthopedics; bone transport, Open reduction and internal fixations, External device fixation, hemiarthroplasty. ENT; polypeptomy, removal of foreign bodies, adenoidectomy, laryngeal surgeries, Gynecological surgeries; Myomectomy, Caesarean sections, Adhesiolysis, Salpingectomy Maxillofacial Surgery; Jaw fixing and may other Oro-dental surgeries. The unit also houses all forms of minor operations. Of note is the vascular surgery performed on a transected upper limb of a staff which after about 4 hours of transection with the attendant success. (The staff is able to use the limb with near perfect functionality). The unit is manned by experienced Perioperative Nurses and several surgeons’ in specialties as mentioned. The operating theatre is equipped to suit the purpose with equipment for all the subspecialties of surgeries mentioned, there are several operating equipment such as patient monitor, diathermy machine, laparoscopic machines, Anesthetic machines, life support machines, defibrillators, infusion pumps, blood warmers tom mention a few. The theatre plans to perform a heart surgery this year.
Closely related to the theatre is the Central Sterilizing unit where all sterilizations in the hospital take place. The unit has two big autoclave machine; 120litres and 280litres and several other sterilizing gadgets which makes our surgeries and dressings safe.
Intensive care Unit
The intensive care unit, Covenant University Medical Centre is a two bedded unit with state of the art, electrically controlled beds. There are also a life support machine, patient monitors, infusion and injection pumps etc. The unit is located close to the theatres and is battle ready for any case that may require the services.
Accident and Emergency Unit
This unit of the Covenant University Medical Centre is known for prompt response to emergencies. The unit has a triage room main emergency area, an overflow A& E room and a minor theatre attached to it. The unit runs 24 hours a day with a blue team to help in all case of cardiac arrest and other emergencies, the unit handles all forms of emergencies namely from poisonings, heart attacks, strokes, snake bite, Asthmatic attacks, Road traffic accidents, with multiple fractures and injuries, diabetic emergencies with attendant successes. The unit is manned by casualty officers and nurses. The unit is equipped with mobile couches and beds, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, patient monitors, pulse oximeters, and many other gadgets to use in saving lives. The response time to emergencies is very short and adequate attention is given to patient. One of the notable events in the ER is the resuscitation of student with cardiac arrest following a severe asthmatic attack that had shown signs of demise. Our blue team was on hand to help in the resuscitation and thank God the boy is alive today. There is also an ambulance attached to this unit.
There are about 70 beds in the hospital which has about 12 large wards and 4 private wards. The wards comprise of Male and female medical wards, male surgical and female surgical wards, pediatrics wards, Special care baby unit, under 5 ward, 5- 14 year ward. The wards have several world class beds and other equipment with seasoned nurses, doctors’ health attendants, orderlies etc. The wards have orthopedic traction beds, in the surgical wards, double crank beds, cots Children ICU bed, children’s bed etc. There are several patient care gadgets such as sunctioning machine, oxygen concentrators, Pulse oximeter, Ambu bags, Nebulizers,etc. The SCBU is equipped with cots, incubators, infusion pumps, phototherapy units etc. The labor ward is equipped with many delivery gadgets such as Huntler Birthright beds, forceps, manual vaccum aspirators, normal delivery beds, baby radiant warmers, infantometers etc. Several babies have been delivered in the labor room. Another important feat by the medical and nursing unit and indeed the hospital is the nursing of several preterm babies most notably a 27 weeks preterm baby who is alive and well now. Survival rate in the SCBU incubators is impeccable.
The consulting rooms are 4 in number housing all forms of specialties for clinic. Gadgets in the consulting rooms include Sonicaids fetal stethposcopes, sphygmomanometer, endoscopes, such as bronchoscope, Oesophgoscope, Culposcope for diagnosing early stage cervical neoplasia etc.
Other support units in the hospital includes: Diet and Nutrition unit, Business development unit, Account and billing, Laundry, environmental hygiene department, Medical engineering department, Community health and extension department. All these are manned by responsible staff and with capacity in terms of equipment to function properly.
Counselling Centre
At Covenant University, we understand that each student's journey is unique, filled with challenges, triumphs, and moments of self-discovery. Our Guidance and Counseling Center provides comprehensive support to all members of our university community, ensuring that they thrive academically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. This is achieved in the following ways
Individual Counseling Sessions: Our trained counselors offer confidential one-on-one sessions where students can explore personal concerns, academic challenges, career aspirations, and emotional well-being. We provide a safe space for students to express themselves and work towards solutions that empower them.
Group Counseling Workshops: We host various group counseling workshops covering topics such as stress management, time management, interpersonal relationships, and self-esteem building. These sessions foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for students to learn from one another's experiences.
Academic Support Services: Our center provides academic support services tailored to meet the diverse needs of students. Whether it's study skills development, exam preparation strategies, or academic planning, our counselors are here to help students excel in their academic pursuits.
Career Counseling and Development: We offer career counseling services to help students explore their interests, strengths, and career goals. Through career assessments, workshops, and individualized counseling sessions, we assist students in making informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.
Mental Health Resources: Mental health is a priority at Covenant University, and our center is dedicated to promoting emotional well-being and resilience among students. We provide resources, referrals, and support for students facing mental health challenges, emphasizing the importance of self-care and seeking help when needed.
Peer Support Programs: We facilitate peer support programs where students can connect with trained peer mentors for guidance, encouragement, and advice. These programs foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among students, promoting a supportive campus culture.
Impact of the Centre
Apart from general impacts and those mentioned in the pages above,
In terms of impact Covenant University Medical Centre has client from more than 15 states of the federation and Abuja, has had several outreaches in Ogun state, the Centre has nine areas of accreditation by NHIS. The Centre also has more than 15 royal highnesses as clients. Amongst others, the Centre is collaborating with several companies and NGOS on several grounds.
Covenant University Medical Centre is considered a ‘one stop shop for all health needs’ and is so equipped to earn and maintain the status. The equipment and capabilities of the Centre has been highlighted. Many more waters are waiting to be crossed and many more medical bridges to be built.