Student Support Programme (SSP)

This committee is saddled with the responsibility of being the in-loco-parentis arm of the university. (Local Parents) They are to monitor the welfare and general stability of the students while on campus and this is done via a variety of programs listed below and also by faculty and staff appointed by the university and others co-opted by the committee chair as required.

Some of the Activities of the SSP include

Family Meeting Series

This usually hold at least twice a semester in the beginning and somewhere in between to have personal conversations with the Kings and Queens in Hebron. This is also to feel their different pulses on several issues that may have occurred in the course of the semester that may require clarity or management intervention. It is also doubled as an opportunity to educate them about important topics as may pertain their emotional and social development. Importantly, we consider drug awareness campaigns and nutrition awareness as well.

Pre Examination Clinic

This program is designed to prepare students for the end of semester examinations beyond their tutorials in the classrooms. Facilitators within the University are invited to conduct these sessions provide practical tips for the students usually freshmen who must compulsorily attend and any other student across other levels.

Operation Keep Campus Clean’ scheme

To make the students become change agents in the quest towards sustainable management and access to safe water, environmental sanitation. This is in line with the SDG goals of Clean Water and Sustainable Environment which are essential for unlocking economic growth and productivity and significant leverage for existing investments in health and education. Cleanest Halls were awarded prizes and public recognition

Examination Monitoring & Inspection

The team goes round during every exam to make sure any irregularities are reported and the welfare of the students are not compromised.

Resumption Protocols

During every resumption in conjunction with the Student Affairs the SSP assist in receiving the students and also with the help of the Hebron Start-up Lab, produce resumption videos that document the proper resumption procedures to help the students prepare for resumption requirements as they resume.

Monthly Inspections

The SSP carry out detailed inspections every month to all the student residential and business areas on campus. Both the areas run by the strategic business unit and the private operators. This is to ensure the quality promised is sustained and promptly report any irregularities.

Disability Services

Covenant university as a university founded on a Christian mission ethos offers convenient accommodations for students and faculty with disabilities. We believe in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where all students can thrive academically and personally. We are committed to ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to education and the necessary resources to succeed. Students with medically proven disability are given preference in accommodation allocation for convenience such as being accommodated at the basement/ground or 1st floor of the hostel. Readily available Campus Shuttles are always at standby for student movement to and fro lecture rooms, other areas within and outside the Campus.

Other University Assignments

The Activities of the SSP are dynamic and fluid as well. They are on standby when the call for service arises and they are ever present to all university functions to also help maintain decorum.

Terms Of Reference

Put in place a structured and coordinated process for Faculty and Students interaction.
Provide Faculty with the unique opportunity to interact with students and contribute to the living and learning environment of Covenant University.
Closely integrate academic and student life.
Provide role models at a close range and offer mentoring support.
Encourage students to relate with faculty for resource for information, referral, inspiration and advisors.
Encourage multi-generational interaction between students and faculty.

Our Collaborators

Student Affairs


SBU Directorate

Counselling Center

Hebron Startup Lab

© 2025 Covenant University.





