Covenant News

Covenant University holds Public Lecture on Globalization, Energy, Education and Poverty Alleviation: Prospects and Challenges for Developing Nations

Covenant University's 16th Public Lecture will critically examine the threads that weave together selected issues on globalization, energy, education and poverty in a world made flat by the ever-evolving information and communications technology with a view to identifying their inherent opportunities and challenges, as well as proffering solutions is on the way forward in actualizing the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of Poverty Eradication by the year 2015.

Covenant University's 16th Public Lecture will critically examine the threads that weave together selected issues on globalization, energy, education and poverty in a world made flat by the ever-evolving information and communications technology with a view to identifying their inherent opportunities and challenges, as well as proffering solutions is on the way forward in actualizing the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of Poverty Eradication by the year 2015.

The lecture, titled, " Globalization, Energy, Education and Poverty Alleviation: Prospects and Challenges for Developing Nations" will be delivered by a renowned International Scholar in Electrical Engineering, Engr. (Professor) James Katende, on Thursday, September 27, 2007 at the University Chapel by 3 pm.

Professor Katende, is currently the Dean of College of Science and Technology and Head, Department of Electrical & Information Engineering, Covenant University. He also chairs the University's CIT Committee and Task Force on 'Webometric Ranking' of Universities.

Before joining Covenant University faculty, Professor Katende was at various times the Dean of Technology (1995-1998), Head of Electrical Engineering Department (1995-1998), Member of Senate (1995-2006) and Chairman, University Works and Maintenance Committee at the Bayero University, Kano.

He is a member of a number of academic and professional associations, including the Fellow, Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE); COREN Registered Engineer; Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (MIEEE) etc.

Professor Katende's current research interests include: Modelling and Control of Electrical Power Systems and Industrial Processes; Robot modelling, simulation and motion control; and Adaptive/Sliding-mode/Fuzzy Logic/ ANN Control Theory and Applications.

The lecture will be chaired by Dr David Oyedepo, Chancellor of Covenant.

Detailed Citation on Professor James Katende


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