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CU hosts an International Workshop & Conference on Mathematical and Computer Sciences

International Workshop and Conference on “New Trends in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences With Applications to Real World Problems” - You do not have permission to view this object.

CU hosts an International Workshop & Conference on mathematical and computer sciences

Between June 19 and 23, 2006, Covenant University was host to an International Workshop and Conference on: “New Trends in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Applications to Real World Problems”, which drew over 100 scholars in various areas of the mathematical and computer sciences from Austria, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands, the United States of America and Nigeria. The Workshop and Conference were jointly organized by Covenant University and the International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Lagos, in collaboration with the National Universities Commission, Abuja.

Between June 19 and 23, 2006, Covenant University was host to an International Workshop and Conference on: “New Trends in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Applications to Real World Problems”, which drew over 100 scholars in various areas of the mathematical and computer sciences from Austria, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands, the United States of America and Nigeria. The Workshop and Conference were jointly organized by Covenant University and the International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Lagos, in collaboration with the National Universities Commission, Abuja.

At the end of the five-day Workshop and Conference, the following communiqué was released by the participants:


  1. Objectives of Workshop and Conference
    WE IDENTIFY with the key objectives of the Workshop and Conference, namely: to build capacity for research, improve existing skills, promote real world applications and generally deepen the culture of cutting-edge research in the mathematical and computer sciences in Nigeria. We welcome the opportunity to participate in the Workshop and Conference. We reaffirm our unflinching commitment to the highest standards of research in the mathematical and computer sciences, as we continue to make our collective contribution to the global knowledge pool.
  2. Transactions at the Workshop and Conference
    At the Workshop, lectures were delivered by five (5) distinguished scientists from Austria, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands and the United States of America, namely:
    - Professor Franz Kappel, University of Graz, Graz, Austria;
    - Professor Witold Karwowski, University of Opole, Opole, Poland;
    - Professor Stig Larsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden;
    - Professor Jan van den Berg, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
    - Professor Wayne Patterson, Howard University, Washington DC, USA;
    and four Nigerian scholars, namely:
    - Dr Adenike Osofisan, University of Ibadan, Ibadan;
    - Professor C.O.A. Sowunmi, University of Ibadan, Ibadan;
    - Professor Femi Taiwo, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife;
    - Professor H.O. Tejumola, University of Ibadan, Ibadan;
    At the Conference, many Nigerian scholars, both academic staff and research students,
    showcased their recent or ongoing research activities in the mathematical and computer
  3. Workshop and Conference
    WE ALL FOUND the Workshop and Conference stimulating and informative, as they
    highlighted new trends, developments, challenges, open problems and new problem-solving
    methodologies in such areas of the mathematical and computer sciences as neural networks, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, nature inspired cooperative strategies, data mining and warehousing, scientific computing, mathematical modeling and simulation, nonlinear partial differential equations, perturbations of partial differential operators, modeling of medical conditions and diseases, statistical and stochastic analysis, operations research, and various aspects of mathematical physics. These areas have high impact on national development.

    Participants presented new findings, as well as their applications, relating to ways of solving
    various real world problems. The latter are commonly encountered in such areas as the
    industry, engineering, finance and banking, accountancy, insurance and risk management, medicine, governance, manufacturing, energy generation and management, and the environment. We recommend that there should be a Workshop/Conference of the kind just concluded every year in the country.
  4. Collaborative research
    WE UNDERLINE the fact that real world problems are invariably multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary in nature. Hence the Workshop and Conference afforded participants vast opportunities to form new networks and workgroups aimed at collaborating in solving such
  5. Broadening participation
    WE OBSERVE with dismay that many research students and academic staff of Nigerian
    universities encountered diverse obstacles which
    hindered their participation in the Workshop and Conference. The obstacles were fundamentally in the areas of publicity and sponsorship. In view of the high impact of international workshops and conferences of this kind on staff development and skills improvement in the mathematical and computer sciences, every effort should always be made by the organizers to give these activities the widest possible publicity in the nation’s higher education institutions. Concerning sponsorship, the organizers should always urge heads of higher education institutions to sponsor their research students and academic staff to the workshops and conferences.
  6. Proprietors of Nigerian higher education institutions
    WE EMPHASIZE that an orderly and sustainable development of the mathematical and computer sciences in Nigeria remains a major task, in the light of such challenges as: inadequate resources for teaching, learning and research in the mathematical and computer sciences; nonexistent or very rare opportunities for participating in local or international conferences; and an ageing professoriate. These challenges have high adverse impact on national development. We call upon all proprietors of Nigerian higher education institutions to always fund science programmes, in general, and the mathematical and computer sciences, in particular, adequately; improve the state of resources for teaching and learning in their institutions, especially laboratories and libraries; and increase fund allocations specifically meant for research work.
  7. National Universities Commission
    WE URGE that the National Universities Commission (NUC), in collaboration with the
    Education Trust Fund (ETF), should continue to be involved in this kind of activity, by
    continually encouraging Nigerian universities to sponsor some of their research students and
    academic staff as participants.
  8. Nigerian higher education institutions
    WE CALL UPON the nation’s higher education institutions to demonstrate greater commitment to staff development, capacity building and skills improvement, as these enhance quality and increase the chances of full subject accreditation by the NUC, especially in the mathematical and computer sciences which are continually plagued by endemic staff shortages. To this end, the institutions should regularly budget a reasonable amount of money every year for sponsoring their research students and academic staff to attend workshops and conferences. We urge institutions to always ensure that the workloads of research students, who are also teachers, are such that they are able to remain focused on their research investigations so as to complete them in reasonable time.
  9. Nigerian scholars in the mathematical and computer sciences
    WE CHARGE all Nigerian scholars, be they research students or academic staff, in the mathematical and computer sciences to always endeavor that they actively participate in international workshops and conferences, such as the ones just concluded, whenever they are held in the country. This would afford the scholars veritable platforms for networking, collaboration and various forms of partnerships. Senior academics should always see it as their duty to provide good and continuous mentoring for their students and younger colleagues.
  10. Commendations
    - Chancellor, Bishop (Dr) David Oyedepo, the Visioner,
    - Vice Chancellor, Professor Aize Obayan,
    - Registrar, Dcn Yemi Nathaniel;
    - Dean, College of Science & Technology, Professor Ekundayo Adeyemi;
    - Deans of the College of Business and Social Studies, College of Human Development, Student Affairs, Postgraduate Studies;
    - Chaplain,
    - Directors of Financial Services, Centre for Learning Resources, Centre for Systems and Information Services;
    - Staff and Students of Covenant University, for the leadership role played by Covenant University within the Nigerian higher education system in organizing the Workshop and Conference; the conducive environment; state-of-the-art facilities and comfortable accommodation provided; and for the overall hospitality of the Covenant University community. Indeed, words are inadequate to express our gratitude to the Chancellor of Covenant University. The high standard set by Covenant University in organizing and hosting the Workshop and Conference is a challenge to all other Nigerian universities. Moreover, the activities have greatly enlarged the footprint of Covenant University in the global academic arena.

    WE COMMEND the National Universities Commission for coordinating the participation of all Nigerian universities at the Workshop and Conference. There should be this kind of involvement by the NUC in the organizing of future international workshops and conferences in key areas of the mathematical and computer sciences. We call upon the NUC to do everything possible to ensure this outcome.

    WE COMMEND the International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Sciences for ensuring the international character of the Workshop and Conference. This provided participants with ample opportunity to network with the invited scientists.
  11. Closing
    As the Workshop and Conference come to a close, WE WISH Covenant University limitless progress and God’s guidance. WE HOPE that the University will continue to maintain a leadership position in the Nigerian higher education system.

Signed by: Professor G.O.S. EKHAGUERE,
President, ICMCS, Lagos
for and on behalf of all participants
Date: 22 June, 2006


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